Jun 2022_New address olmos ochoa architects

Jun 2022_New address olmos ochoa architects

We are delighted in our new studio in Vorarlberg. After almost two years in the beautiful vaulted room in Vorstadt 9, we have moved to Schiessstätte 12, in the former Ganahl Areal factory in Feldkirch. High ceilings and lots of light. We are looking forward to many new projects. The best is yet to come!

Jun 2022. Architekturtage in Vorarlberg

Jun 2022. Architekturtage in Vorarlberg

On 10.06.2022 we participated as Olmos Ochoa Architects in the Austrian Architecture Day. Verena Konrad, director of the VAI, visited us in the studio and we talked long about our experience in the profession. Some other friends and colleagues visited us as well, such as Joe Truog and Agostina (in the picture). Thank you very much for coming!

Jun 2022 Architekturtage 2022. A visit to… Olmos Ochoa Architects

Jun 2022 Architekturtage 2022. A visit to… Olmos Ochoa Architects

On Friday 10.06.2022 from 16.00 to 19.00 we are happy to participate at the Architecture Days in Austria! We invite all interested people for an open discussion about the relationship between clients and architects and will try to show how architecture can be brought closer to society and how it can be made approachable for all. Spanish wine will cheer up the exchange of view. https://v-a-i.at/veranstaltungen/architekturtage/at21_22/finale/olmos_ochoa