Publications / Exhibitions
Publications and exhibitions on projects and buildings
House in Schaan
- 2023 Leben und Wohnen VN (Vorarlberger Nachrichten) Feb 2023. Interview by Verena Konrad (VAI) with Gloria Ochoa: “Spanische Grandeza”
- 2022 Wirtschaftregional Jahresmagazin 2022. Interview with Gloria Ochoa and Víctor Olmos: “Im Hausbau wird ein umdenken stattfinden müssen”
- 2022 Journal Architekturwettbewerbe. Nov 2022. “Wo Lebensräume verschmelzen”
- 2022 AUSZEICHNUNG des Produkts FARINA with our project in Schaan in the Competition “Lösungen des Jahres” CALLWEY, January 2022
- 2021 Buen and Wohnen (Vaterlandmagazin) March 2021 “Wohnen deinen Traum”
- 2019 POTENTIALE (Feldkirch) “Was brauchen wir zum wohnen und was nicht”. Gloria Ochoa, Architektin.
Headquarters FIDAMC
- 2010 Vía Construcción nº 80, mayo 2010. Sección Proyectos y Obras.
- 2011 Digital Magazines: Construarea, Metros2 on line, y Elektroprofesional.
119 Social Housing in SANCHINARRO
- 2007 ON DISEÑO nº 279
- 2006 Nueva Guía de la Arquitectura de Madrid. Fundación COAM.
- 2005 Libro Madrid 2003-2005. Ed. Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda de Madrid
- 2005 I Premio ENOR de Arquitectura
- 2005 “Vivienda Colectiva” Ed. Pencil.
- 2003 “12 Concursos de Arquitectura 2001-2002” (Volumen III) Ed. EMVS
Social Housing for Young People in VIGO
- 2007 OBRADOIRO nº 32
- 2005 Exhibition by IGVS in Barcelona Meeting Point.
- 2005 I Premio ENOR de Arquitectura.
- 2003 Arquitectos, CSCAE nº 168
- 1997 Costes y Datos de Edificación nº 7
- 1995 Concurso en Obradoiro nº 25.
Office Building EF-2000 in GETAFE
- 2005 Libro “Nuevas Oficinas” Ed. Munilla-Lería
- 2003 Libro “New offices”. Editorial Loft Publications.
- 2003 Exhibition “OBRA RECIENTE, OLMOS OCHOA” en la Fundación Cultural COAM
Teaching / Research
As Associate Professor Victor Olmos has taught for more than twenty years Design Projects in the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He has also been invited as lecturer or critic in a number of academic institutions, congresses and simpossiums, nationally and internationally. Among them, the Berlage Institut, the Technische Universität München and the Universität Liechtenstein.
Between 2010 and 2013 Gloria Ochoa has taught at the department of Construction of the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
During the two academic semesters 2013-2014 Victor Olmos has been invited as researcher at the ETH Zürich Department of Architecture by the Chair of Dietmar Eberle and the ETH Wohnforum’s director Margrit Hugentobler. He has been responsible for the project “Site Intelligence”, studies of vernacular architecture in relation to sustainability criteria, with the aim of documenting and testing a range of case-studies in different sites. He had developed a wide net of cooperators and institutions all over the world.
Victor Olmos had belonged to the research groups ARKRIT (architectural critic) and CULTURAL LANDSCAPE (World Architectural and Landscape Heritage) with whom he had collaborated and participated in the international congresses CRITICALL (International Conference of Architectural Design and Criticism) and EURAU 08 and EURAU 12 (European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design)
Toledo’s new Hospital
- 2004 Nuevo Hospital de Toledo. Editado por el SESCAM
- 2003 “Pasajes” (Suplemento de Castilla-La Mancha) nº 9
Social Housing in VALLECAS
- 2006 Nueva Guía de la Arquitectura de Madrid. Fundación COAM.
- 1995 “Nueva Edificación”, Editado por la EMVS
- 1990 Revista Arquitectura nº 293.
- 1991 Arquitectura nº 305.
- 1992 Costes y datos de Edificación nº7
- 1992 Madrid-Circuitos 1980-1997
Along our career we have collaborated, together or individually, with different offices: Enrique Bardají (Madrid), Víctor López Cotelo (Madrid), Ralph and Doris Thut (Munich), Juan Barrado (Madrid) and Baumschlager Eberle (Austria and Liechtenstein).
As partners we have been taken part of many teams: with Angel Panero or Rafael Medina, with offices like Milla Mira Marco (Madrid) or recently with Urs Hüssy and Uli Mayer (Triesen, Liechtenstein).
pdf “In praise of Built Architecture” selected works 1990-2013
- 2005 Exhibition Nueva Sede para el COAG en Vigo. Fundación Caixa Galicia, en Vigo.
- 2004 Edited Book OLMOS OCHOA ARQUITECTOS (2000-2003).
- 2005 Sede de Consejerías en Mérida. Editado por la Junta de Extremadura
- 2002 Centro de Cirugía Mínima Invasión, Cáceres. Junta de Extremadura.
- 1995 Catálogo de la Exposición de las Propuestas para el Teatro Ramos Carrión, Zamora.
- 1994 Biblioteca Pública en Torrejón de Ardoz. Arquitectos nº 136.
- 1990 “50 Ideas para el Parque Deportivo Puerta de Hierro”
- 1989 Collective Exhibition en la Sala de Vacas del Retiro (Madrid), Concurso de Ideas para el Museo de San Isidro.
- 1988 Concurso de Ideas Viviendas Plaza de Ópera, Arquitectura nº 274.
- 1986 Concurso de Ideas para intervención en las Murallas de León, Sector Romano, Arquitectura, nº 266