Renovation of Pazo de Quintans (Galicia, Spain) and its conversion into a small 4-star hotel with gourmet restaurant and cafeteria. New winery construction and transformation of the adjoining building into an event venue. When we talk about the Pazo de Quintáns, we actually mean a huge complex made up of the imposing XVI century building of the Pazo and the neighbouring gardens, the chapel, the old walls and the dependencies dedicated to agricultural activities, the ‘hórreos’ (raised storehouses), the vineyards that cover the entire site and are divided by rows of trees, and the paths and trails with a cross...
Author: olmosochoa

2024_Refurbishment and extension of a School in Landeck, Tirol, Austria
Urban design The extension is intended to complement the existing U-shaped ensemble of the existing school in such a way that the inviting and diverse outdoor area is preserved, thus emphasising the public character of the complex. The gymnasium extension from 1979 is cleverly positioned in terms of urban planning and is able to close off the schoolyard on the north side thanks to its lateral positioning. The idea of the two overlapping gymnasiums makes it possible to integrate these large-scale uses in a compact building and at the same time create additional space for other school uses on the...

2024 Dwellings in two houses. Wolfurt, Austria
The site are decisive for the design of the new volumes. The idea of building two blocks is based on the scale of the detached houses to the south and the new blocks that are being built to the north of the site. The aim is to create a dialogue with the surroundings and to open up views and sunlight from one block to the other. House 1, benefits from the closer entrance. House 2, from being set back from the street. The design of the outdoor area plays a key role in the implementation of the entrances, and must...

Jun 2024_Webinar “Arquitectura en Austria. Oportunidades de negocio”
Thanks to the support of Galo Herrero, Spain’s economic and commercial advisor in Vienna, we came up with the idea of creating this webinar, which gathers a group of Spanish architecture professionals with very interesting work in Austria. We also have the participation of Andreas Trisko, responsible for programme management of urban development areas, in the Executive Group for Construction and Technology of the City of Vienna, who will offer us his expert view on Vienna and its current and future developments. Our guests are: Hugo Herrera Pianno, partner at Baumschlager Eberle Architects / Luis Basabe Montalvo, partner of Areas Basabe...

2023_Kinderhaus Bürs, Austria
The new building for small children and their families in Bürs fits naturally into the series of public buildings that form an educational and educational and meeting centre for Bürs. The most important defining aspects are: 1_ the clarity of the entrance favours the reception of users: WELCOME PLACE 2_ the adaptation to the different scales of the neighbourhood, from the monumental scale of the Friedenskirche to the smallest of the detached houses, through a graduated geometry. 3_ the desire to offer children a home with an identity, a place to play and socialise, but also a meeting place for...

May 2024_Presentation book M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S at COAM
On 23 May 2024, the book M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S was presented at the COAM headquarters in Madrid. The event brought together the author, Víctor Olmos toguether with Ana Amado, author of the photographs, Miguel Ángel Baldellou, professor emeritus of the ETSAM and author of the latest book published on the Gimnasio Maravillas and Miguel Lasso de la Vega, president of the COAM Foundation, in a round table discussion.

Feb 2024_Publication of the book M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S
The book M_A_R_A_V_I_L_L_A_S, written by Víctor Olmos, was published in February 2024. It is a revision and a written summary of the doctoral thesis that the author defended at the ETSAM in 2010 under the title ‘Vivencias y Divisiones. El Gimnasio Maravillas de Alejandro de la Sota’ The British art critic John Berger used to say that going letter by letter through the words in a language he did not know had the sensation of walking along the grooves of a poem, of crossing the territory of poetry. M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S aims to do exactly that. By breaking down the name...

2023_Volkschule Schruns, Austria
The new school will be an important building in the community, integrated into the school complex, but at the same time a public centre that will bring a lot of life to Schruns. Conscious of its size, the building is clearly positioned, with a spacious square in front that leaves enough space for the protected Old Court. The urban development plan for the new primary school in Schruns provides for the creation of two large, beautifully designed squares: one in front of the Old Court and another in front of the secondary school. The existing urban structure of Schruns, which...

Jan 2024_Gloria Ochoa Correspondent in Austria for COAM
The Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid -COAM- has created the figure of International Correspondent with the aim of providing information on the practice of the profession in each country, facilitating collaboration with companies and institutions, representing COAM at events related to our profession and promoting collaboration between Spanish and, in this case, Austrian architects. ”I am grateful to COAM for having placed its trust in me to fulfil this role as correspondent in Austria”, says Gloria Ochoa.

Dec 2023_German Design Award Winner 2024
For the kindergarten and double gym in Mauren, Liechtenstein Architects: Uli Mayer and Urs Hüssy with Gloria Ochoa Jury Description: The combination of kindergarten and double gymnasium in a building directly adjacent to the school saves space and shortens walking distances. From the outside, the windows in particular catch the eye with their strikingly protruding reveals, which is further emphasised by the contrasting colour. An interesting project that has been masterfully realised.

2022_Housing in Frastanz, Austria
The plot occupies an elevated position, has a good orientation and remarkable views of the mountains and the city. But the geometry of its perimeter and the abrupt topography could be considered real design challenges. The urban structure is characterised by single-family houses and farm buildings, naturally placed and spread across the landscape. It is possible to think of higher density typologies, as long as they take into account these criteria of integration into the given structure. The Project consists in two building volumes with an intermediate space that opens up new perspectives and ensures the continuity of the green...

2022_Row of houses in Kehlegg, Austria
The Kehlegg project is a new housing development on a difficult plot with a steep north-facing slope, but with a good view of Lake Constance, in a small village at the edge of the mountains near the industrial town of Dornbirn in Vorarlberg. At the beginning, we worked intensively together with the real estate company Hefel on several volumetric proposals with different internal divisions and a variable number of dwellings. After consulting with the local authorities, we came to the conclusion that the 4 semi-detached houses approach is the best suited to the plot and the site conditions. The project...

Feb 2023_ The house in Schaan in the Vorarlberger Nachrichten
The weekly magazine Leben und Wohnen in the VN (Vorarlberger Nachrichten) newspaper dedicates a special report to our first built project in Schaan, FL. We would like to thank most sincerely Verena Konrad, Director of VAI (Vorarlberger Architektur Institut), who showed a special interest in this project, as an example of how two Spanish architects confront the multiple inputs to build a house in a “foreign” country, how our experience in our land, can also bring the quality and beauty that Verena remarks in her text. This interpretation of transition-places, in-between rooms, interiors that merge with the outdoors, and that...

2022_Housing Project in Kneippgasse, Götzis, Austria
A brief description of the proposal: The urban requirements, the orientation of the plot and some architectural aspects of the surrounding buildings, drive us to develop a proposal that, with its fan shape, allows the creation of a new and more attractive building. This fan shape, so to speak, reduces the presence of the volume towards the street by playing with the movement of the façades, and achieves a certain degree of privacy in the outdoor areas of the dwellings. Following the course of the sun, the building offers a variety of shapes and different levels, taking advantage of the...

Dec 2022_Two Housing Projects in Vorarlberg
We are very pleased with the two commissions we have received for two housing projects in Vorarlberg. Hefel’s Real Estate Companies contacted us to study two plots, one in Kehlegg, in the mountains near the town of Dornbirn, and the other in Götzis, in a residential area in the valley. In Kehlegg, the steep slope of the terrain, the southern orientation towards the upper part of the plot and the views towards the Bodensee to the north-west greatly conditioned the project. After studying several variants and presenting them to the city council, the Kehlegg project finally consisted of four row...

Jun 2022. The City Through a Female Lens
The exhibition at Martinsturm in Bregenz (June-October 2022) presents the project “Platz da! Mädchen* gestalten Stadt.” (“Girls* design the city”), in which girls and young women present a counter-design to the male-dominated urban planning. “Platz da!” is a project of the Amazone Association in cooperation with the architects Catharina Fineder and Gloria Ochoa, the Department of Women and Equality of Bregenz and the VAI (Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut). During the workshops, we wanted to make visible the girls’ view of the city of Bregenz, in order to give them a voice for the design of the city. After a short, general introduction to the working...

Jun 2022_New address olmos ochoa architects
We are delighted in our new studio in Vorarlberg. After almost two years in the beautiful vaulted room in Vorstadt 9, we have moved to Schiessstätte 12, in the former Ganahl Areal factory in Feldkirch. High ceilings and lots of light. We are looking forward to many new projects. The best is yet to come!

Jun 2022. Architekturtage in Vorarlberg
On 10.06.2022 we participated as Olmos Ochoa Architects in the Austrian Architecture Day. Verena Konrad, director of the VAI, visited us in the studio and we talked long about our experience in the profession. Some other friends and colleagues visited us as well, such as Joe Truog and Agostina (in the picture). Thank you very much for coming!

Jun 2022 Architekturtage 2022. A visit to… Olmos Ochoa Architects
On Friday 10.06.2022 from 16.00 to 19.00 we are happy to participate at the Architecture Days in Austria! We invite all interested people for an open discussion about the relationship between clients and architects and will try to show how architecture can be brought closer to society and how it can be made approachable for all. Spanish wine will cheer up the exchange of view.

May 2022 New Web Site of Gloria Ochoa
Gloria Ochoa’s new website is now online. It is written entirely in German. With this new page Gloria will be showing some topics that are usually implicit in the projects and in the debates but do not get the relevance they deserve. Thus the questions about Living Together or Women in Architecture (who they are, what they have done, why they are not so well known) will be updated with new posts and contributions from all those who want to join in. Mediation as a necessary task to bring architecture closer to all levels of society. Details as a...

2022_Housing in Walkeweg, Basel, Switzerland
Creating a new neighbourhood for more than 300 people means taking into account the residents’ daily, complex relationships with each other and their surroundings.Life takes place on different levels, from the most private spaces to the public square. The more diverse these connections are, the richer our daily experiences. This graduation of spaces is the main theme of our proposal. The semi-open intermediate spaces are formulated as meeting places. Some of them will be transformed, at the request of the residents, into pleasant corners where one can chat with neighbours. The four buildings are subtly grouped in two pairs creating...

Mar 2022 Visiting the worksite of the Kindergarten and Double Sports Hall in Mauren
Saturday 26.03.2022 was the open day to visit the worksite of the Kindergarten and Double Sports Hall in Mauren, a project resulting from the competition won by Urs Hüssy, Uli Mayer and Gloria Ochoa in December 2018. It is a pleasure to see how the work materialises all the ideas and details that were previously worked on in the studio. It is also a source of pride and satisfaction for all those who in one way or another have participated in the process. The building has an imposing presence, perhaps unusuall for Liechtenstein. The skylights, the brise-soleil, the ceramic material...

Mar 2022 Visiting Otto Steidle´s University of Ulm
We recently drove to the old German city of Ulm to visit our good friends Jacobo and Michèle. They gave us a nice lift to the remarkable buildings of the University of Ulm, one of Otto Steidle´s best known works. We knew about the project from books and magazines, but it was the first time that we had the chance to visit the building… It is always worth visiting architecture on site! The long modular timber-frame wooden structure, the colourful façade panels and large windows and, above all, the joy, spontaneity and diversity of the proposal have reminded us of...

Feb 2022 Nenzing construction site
Another visit to the on-going works of our project in Nenzing. We took some pictures from the outside of the complex and from the inside of several flats. We were pleasantly surprised by the organisation of the five houses and the open areas among them. Then came the question of which apartment we would we buy if we had the chance. Any one of them.

2022_Extension and over-elevation of a building in Innsbruck (Austria)
This is an extension in height and floor plan of three existing buildings from three different periods, in an architecturally relevant environment with the Ferdinand Museum and the Academic Gymnasium, which seeks to integrate naturally into the urban ensemble of Innsbruck’s centre. This will be the new headquarters of Lebensraum Tirol Holding. Our project offers a homogeneous and uniform image through a clear and restrained language and a compact geometry. The extension is understood as a single, contemporary element on the existing cornice of the historic buildings. The choice of a single material for the façade cladding “calms the noise”,...

2021 Community Centre in Pfaffnau, Switzerland
The new Community Building and its surrounding Park and Square give Pfaffnau a centre and creates meeting places for people. In connection with its representative function, the compact volume resolutely faces the main street and creates a façade to define the space of the future village square. The building is open to the inhabitants of the village and to visitors. Permeability is achieved by a two-part division on the ground floor. Towards the main street, this passage forms a balcony and a ramp with visual axes towards the church and the new village square. The programme is organised on three floors...

Jan 2022_Interview in Wirtschaftregional Jahresmagazin 2022
We were interviewed for the Wirtschaftregional Jahresmagazine in the January 2022 special issue, Utopia Liechtenstein. Journalist Lars Beck visited us in the studio in Feldkirch and we answered questions about our vision for the future of architecture and in particular our opinion on the future development of the Alpine country. We were able to express our views on housing models, social and generational development, sustainability and reuse of materials as well as on new technologies, climate neutrality and the evolution of architecture. “Housing construction will have to be rethought”. As building land is becoming increasingly scarce in Liechtenstein, other approaches to...

2021_IMELGA Headquarters, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
A new public green space towards Rúa de Riga shades the presence of the new building towards the neighbourhood and creates a buffer of public use and biodiversity in front of the residential buildings, strengthening a green corridor in continuity with the Parque do Vieiro. The functional programme has been organised taking into account the topography, allowing direct access from the public space both on floor 0 and floor -1. The communication cores, installations and toilets are grouped together, alowing the rest of the areas around a courtyard. In this way, possible modifications due to programme changes can be dealt...

Nov 2021_Winter Semester at the Uni Li
Víctor Olmos has been invited to participate in the Advanced Studio “Landscape”, run by Csaba Tarsoly at University of Liechtenstein. He will give to lectures, “Malerei und Landschaft” and “Architektur und Landschaft” and will take part in the Mid-Term and Final Critics of the course.

Sep 2021 Award to the Family House in Schaan, Liechtenstein
Ziegelei Hebrok GmbH & Co. KG: Original Wasserstrich Backstein Klinker farina. The selected bricks of the company Hebrok, FARINA, of our project Family House in Schaan, Liechtenstein, received an award in the competition “Solutions of the Year” of the Callwey Publications. All photographs were taken by Alicia Olmos Ochoa More about this item in the following link

Sep 2021 Gloria Ochoa participated as Jury in Rankweil, Austria
Together with appreciated colleagues such as Ulf Hiessberger, Bernd Ried and Elmar Nägele, Gloria Ochoa had the opportunity to participate in the jury for the selection of a Kinderbetreuung in Rankweil, Vorarlberg. The participation of education experts and their knowledge of the needs were decisive and were taken into account to a great importance by the jury of architects. The architectural firm of Christian Schmölz from Sulz won the competition over 19 other projects. Zusammen mit geschätzt Kollegen wie Ulf Hiessberger, Bernd Ried und Elmar Nägele hast Gloria Ochoa die Gelegenheit Inder Jury für die Auswahl des Projektes Kinderbetreuung in Rankweil...

2021 Open Competition. 3rd Prize_Praza da Igrexa, Vigo, Spain
There are three main guidelines that explain our project: 1. Expansion of the public space of the Praza da Igrexa under the proposed building, as a porch, for multiple activities, uses and events, such as street markets, musical concerts, conferences, workshops or children’s games: A VERSATILE PUBLIC OPEN AIR SPACE INDOOR. 2. A new, flexible and versatile building, constructively and technologically innovative, which follows intentionally the broken line of the plot, generating a new façade to the Praza da Igrexa. We propose a multifunctional space of great versatility on the first floor with a height of 4.50 metres, divisible into...

May 2021_3rd PRICE in the Competition “Praza da Igrexa” in Vigo, Spain
Proud to share our 3rd prize in the Architecture Competition for the “Praza da Igrexa” in Vigo, Spain. Our challenge was to respect the form and scale of the site, but at the same time, offer large and versatile spaces. A public building organised with a few well-connected, divisible rooms, with different characters and suggestive relations between the interior and the exterior. Materials and construction with the aim of a long lasting architecture design. Project Team: Gloria Ochoa, Víctor Olmos, Ángel Panero y Javier Vázquez.

April 2021 The 24 Houses in Nenzing are under construction
The project of 24 Houses for RIVA HOME in Nenzing (Vorarlberg, Austria) is under construction. Housing in the rural environment, dealing with the scale of village structures and regional and cultural tradition, are the main concepts of this project.

March 2021 House in Schaan in Bauen + Wohnen Vaterland published
We are very pleased that the house we designed for the Reithner family in Shaan, Liechtenstein, is featured in the March 2021 issue of Bauen + Wohnen Vaterland magazine. A great report with excellent photographs by Alicia Olmos Ochoa, information about the house and a long interview with the architects. They have also dedicated the cover of the magazine to us. Many thanks to Lars Beck, journalist, for his excellent work. You can see the whole article and read the interview in this link: epaper_Magazine_20210302-1_reportaje

Feb 2021 The construction works of the Nenzing town houses have just started
The 24 town houses in Nenzing, Vorarlberg (Austria), promoted by the real estate developer RIVA HOME and designed by olmos ochoa arquitectos have just started. Some of the objectives of the project were to build contemporary housing in rural structures, the contact with nature, enjoying wide views, respecting certain scales, in order to build affordable and attractive housing for young people with a distinct quality of life.

Feb 2021 White bricks in Hebrok´s Web Site
The main material of the House in Schaan (Liechtenstein) is white brick. A material that remained from the beginning of the project. This same brick has been used to build some well-known buildings that have served as models for us. The German firm Hebrok has important references to its credit among which we are proud to be part of. Those bricks were chosen in order to achieve durability, stability, expressiveness and elegance. They are solid “hand-molded klinker”, measuring 240x115x52, colour “Farina”. They are manufactured using a “water-beat process”, whose special characteristics and optical properties are: non-rectangular prismatic formation, uneven...

Feb 2021 Phase 0, Dismantling the ruined structure, cleaning and archeological works on the Pazo has just finished.
Phase 0, consisting of the dismantling of the ruined structure and the cleaning of the walls, in addition to the archaeological work, was completed in February 2021. Together with our collaborators, Javier Vázquez, architect and Manuel Cuquejo, technical architect, the archaeologist Rosa Villar has supervised the work and will send a report with the historical reading of the walls and her conclusions to the Galician Heritage department. This report will accompany the Pazo de Quintáns Project, which is ready for processing.

Jan 2021 Re-visiting the house in an old agricultural complex in Cabanillas de la Sierra (2012)
Re-visiting the house that we built in an old agricultural complex in Cabanillas de la Sierra (2012). We love how it looks, thanks to Horten and Miguel, the owners, who have an enormous care for the house. We have just remembered the words that we wrote for the publication: “The owners of the complex, very sensitive to all these values, had a close dialogue with the architects, looking for better ideas and the most appropriate solutions”

Dec 2020 New office olmos ochoa architects
Our new office in Vorstadt 9, Feldkirch is a former ground floor space with two adjoining vaulted rooms, thick walls and a magnificent, unique window onto the street. We are very happy to start this new phase. With some few furniture but a lot of enthusiasm we hope to have the opportunity to project many buildings and make a small name for ourselves in this Region.

Dec 2020, the construction works on the Pazo site begins
We have waited a long time for this moment. The first work on the Pazo site began on Monday 23 November 2020. This is Phase 0: “Tasks of debris removal, cleaning and archaeological prospecting”. This work is being carried out with great care, with the dismantling of the elements in the opposite process to construction. As the work progresses, a whole series of traces are revealed that show different types of stonework and different moments of construction. These traces will have to be interpreted during the archaeological work and will allow an orderly reading of the historical construction phases.

2017-2020 Pazo de Quintáns, Meis, Pontevedra
When we talk about the Pazo de Quintáns we are actually referring to a huge complex formed by the imposing building of the Pazo (16th century) and its adjacent gardens, the chapel, the old walls and tapestries, the annexed buildings dedicated to agriculture, the “hórreos” (raised granaries), the vineyard plantations that extend throughout the site divided by rows of trees, as well as the walks and paths where a cross and a pergola lead to the main buildings. All this is located in the privileged landscape of the Arousa and Salnés valleys, the very centre of Albariño wine. On the...

2020 The House in Schaan (Liechtenstein) is finished!
We are grateful to the Reithner family who trusted us and motivated us to make this project a house we are very proud of and where joy can be felt in every corner. Wir sind der Familie Reithner dankbar, die uns ihr Vertrauen geschenkt und uns motiviert hat, dieses Projekt zu einem Haus zu machen, auf das wir sehr stolz sind und in dem Freude in jeder Ecke zu spüren ist.

2016-2019 Family House in Schaan, Liechtenstein
2016_house-in-schaan Download pdf EFH-SCHAAN Broschüre 2020_olmosochoa architekten Download pdf Räumlich Step by step this house has been gradually reaching its own personality. At the very beginning, the most important idea was the in-between space; a place as a space-cushion between inside and outside, that we considered our personal „spanish contribution“, if we can use that term, opposed to a local view of architecture, more focussed in the rotundity of volumes and a bit affraid to break the paralelepipedic form. This space between was defined in the groundfloor by a broken line of huge windows towards West and the garden, and in section,...

10.11.2019 Potentiale Tischgespräch : Was brauchen wir zum leben und was brauchen wir nicht…. Ihre Beiträge
Am 10. November hatte ich das Vergnügen, mit den Teilnehmern des Tischgesprächs zu reden und ihnen eine Frage im Rahmen der ¨Lebensräume” zu stellen: Was brauchen wir zum Leben brauchen und was brauchen wir nicht.Die Frage weckte Neugierde und löste eine interessante Debatte aus, die sich auch in den Antworten aller Beteiligten widerspiegelte. Hier sind ihre Antworten. Wenn es uns mit diesem kleinen Beitrag gelingt, die Türen für die Bürgerbeteiligung an der Gestaltung und dem Wachstum unserer Städte und Gemeinden zu öffnen, werden wir mehr als zufrieden sein. Vielen Dank für Ihre Großzügigkeit bei der Teilnahme. Siehe das Ergebnis unten ?...

8-10 November 2019 Potentiale in Feldkirch, Architektur Werkstatt
Gloria Ochoa: Ich freue mich auf den neuen Potentiale, ich werde mit anderer Architektinnen in den Architektur Werkstatt teilnehmen. Am Sonntag 10.Nov um 11.00 werden wir in eine informelle Runde reden über was bedeutet heuzutage Bauen mit Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit, was wir unbedingt für Leben brauchen und was nicht,

2019-2022 Housing Units in Nenzing, Austria, for RIVA HOME
The following basic concepts determine our work: Building contemporary architecture in village structures, contact with the surrounding countryside and nature with a wide view, respecting certain scales and the spaces in between, favouring collective spaces, and a central area as a meeting point. Affordable and attractive housing for young people with a distinct quality of life in the village. The project develops a programme of 24 flats in 5 houses of max. 500 m2 each. With the special characteristic of the lid-flat type, a townhouse model has been developed that allows the side facades of the houses to be better used...

2019 Restricted Competition Hypobank Hohenems, Austria
Konzept Die neue Hypobank Vorarlberg ist das erste Gebäude, das von den Hauptstrassen wahrgenommen wird. Erschliessungstechnisch erschwert das höhergelegene Grundstück die Zugänglichkeit des Gebäudes. Deshalb sieht der Entwurf einen Eingangsbereich vor, der drei Zugänge bündelt: für Fussgänger von der Angelika-Kauffmannstrasse, für Besucher und Mitarbeiter von den Parkplätzen her oder direkt aus der Tiefgarage. Die einladende Geste des leicht abfallenden Vorplatzes ermöglicht einen einfachen, gut sichtbaren Hauptzugang, während gleichzeitig durch das tiefere Niveau zusätzlicher Raum im Inneren gewonnen wird. Der durch die leichte Neigung des Vorplatzes erreichte tiefere Niveau ermöglicht einen einfachen, gut sichtbaren Hauptzugang bei gleichzeitigem Raumgewinn im Innern. Der Zugang...

Feb. 2019 Conversation about Alejandro de la Sota at COAG in La Coruña
The 20.02.2019 toke place a Conversation about Alejandro de la Sota at Colegio de Arquitectos de Galicia in La Coruña. I was invited as a participant toguether with Miguel Angel Baldellou and the event was introduced by Elvira Carregado, chair of the COAG, and moderated by Silvia Blanco Agüeira, architect colleague to whom I met some years before in Madrid. Along with some friends, like Beatriz Martínez, Manuel Cuquejo and Javier Vázquez, were also at this event my admired and also good friend Manuel Gallego and his son architect Pablo Gallego. Video is available in

Dec 2018 – Jan 2019 Midterm Critics and Final Critics at the Uni Li
Thanks to Csaba Tarsoly for the invitation to the Midterm and Final Critics of his Studio at The University of Liechtenstein. it was also a pleasure to share the final critics with Jens Richter “Estudio Herreros, Madrid” and Angelica Salzmann, Dornbirn. Also thanks to Teresa Rädler, assistant, and to all the students of Csaba´s group. They made a great job!
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