Urban design The extension is intended to complement the existing U-shaped ensemble of the existing school in such a way that the inviting and diverse outdoor area is preserved, thus emphasising the public character of the complex. The gymnasium extension from 1979 is cleverly positioned in terms of urban planning and is able to close off the schoolyard on the north side thanks to its lateral positioning. The idea of the two overlapping gymnasiums makes it possible to integrate these large-scale uses in a compact building and at the same time create additional space for other school uses on the...
Project Categories: COMPETITIONS

2023_Kinderhaus Bürs, Austria
The new building for small children and their families in Bürs fits naturally into the series of public buildings that form an educational and educational and meeting centre for Bürs. The most important defining aspects are: 1_ the clarity of the entrance favours the reception of users: WELCOME PLACE 2_ the adaptation to the different scales of the neighbourhood, from the monumental scale of the Friedenskirche to the smallest of the detached houses, through a graduated geometry. 3_ the desire to offer children a home with an identity, a place to play and socialise, but also a meeting place for...

2023_Volkschule Schruns, Austria
The new school will be an important building in the community, integrated into the school complex, but at the same time a public centre that will bring a lot of life to Schruns. Conscious of its size, the building is clearly positioned, with a spacious square in front that leaves enough space for the protected Old Court. The urban development plan for the new primary school in Schruns provides for the creation of two large, beautifully designed squares: one in front of the Old Court and another in front of the secondary school. The existing urban structure of Schruns, which...

2022_Housing in Frastanz, Austria
The plot occupies an elevated position, has a good orientation and remarkable views of the mountains and the city. But the geometry of its perimeter and the abrupt topography could be considered real design challenges. The urban structure is characterised by single-family houses and farm buildings, naturally placed and spread across the landscape. It is possible to think of higher density typologies, as long as they take into account these criteria of integration into the given structure. The Project consists in two building volumes with an intermediate space that opens up new perspectives and ensures the continuity of the green...

2022_Housing in Walkeweg, Basel, Switzerland
Creating a new neighbourhood for more than 300 people means taking into account the residents’ daily, complex relationships with each other and their surroundings.Life takes place on different levels, from the most private spaces to the public square. The more diverse these connections are, the richer our daily experiences. This graduation of spaces is the main theme of our proposal. The semi-open intermediate spaces are formulated as meeting places. Some of them will be transformed, at the request of the residents, into pleasant corners where one can chat with neighbours. The four buildings are subtly grouped in two pairs creating...

2022_Extension and over-elevation of a building in Innsbruck (Austria)
This is an extension in height and floor plan of three existing buildings from three different periods, in an architecturally relevant environment with the Ferdinand Museum and the Academic Gymnasium, which seeks to integrate naturally into the urban ensemble of Innsbruck’s centre. This will be the new headquarters of Lebensraum Tirol Holding. Our project offers a homogeneous and uniform image through a clear and restrained language and a compact geometry. The extension is understood as a single, contemporary element on the existing cornice of the historic buildings. The choice of a single material for the façade cladding “calms the noise”,...

2021 Community Centre in Pfaffnau, Switzerland
The new Community Building and its surrounding Park and Square give Pfaffnau a centre and creates meeting places for people. In connection with its representative function, the compact volume resolutely faces the main street and creates a façade to define the space of the future village square. The building is open to the inhabitants of the village and to visitors. Permeability is achieved by a two-part division on the ground floor. Towards the main street, this passage forms a balcony and a ramp with visual axes towards the church and the new village square. The programme is organised on three floors...

2021_IMELGA Headquarters, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
A new public green space towards Rúa de Riga shades the presence of the new building towards the neighbourhood and creates a buffer of public use and biodiversity in front of the residential buildings, strengthening a green corridor in continuity with the Parque do Vieiro. The functional programme has been organised taking into account the topography, allowing direct access from the public space both on floor 0 and floor -1. The communication cores, installations and toilets are grouped together, alowing the rest of the areas around a courtyard. In this way, possible modifications due to programme changes can be dealt...

2021 Open Competition. 3rd Prize_Praza da Igrexa, Vigo, Spain
There are three main guidelines that explain our project: 1. Expansion of the public space of the Praza da Igrexa under the proposed building, as a porch, for multiple activities, uses and events, such as street markets, musical concerts, conferences, workshops or children’s games: A VERSATILE PUBLIC OPEN AIR SPACE INDOOR. 2. A new, flexible and versatile building, constructively and technologically innovative, which follows intentionally the broken line of the plot, generating a new façade to the Praza da Igrexa. We propose a multifunctional space of great versatility on the first floor with a height of 4.50 metres, divisible into...

2019 Restricted Competition Hypobank Hohenems, Austria
Konzept Die neue Hypobank Vorarlberg ist das erste Gebäude, das von den Hauptstrassen wahrgenommen wird. Erschliessungstechnisch erschwert das höhergelegene Grundstück die Zugänglichkeit des Gebäudes. Deshalb sieht der Entwurf einen Eingangsbereich vor, der drei Zugänge bündelt: für Fussgänger von der Angelika-Kauffmannstrasse, für Besucher und Mitarbeiter von den Parkplätzen her oder direkt aus der Tiefgarage. Die einladende Geste des leicht abfallenden Vorplatzes ermöglicht einen einfachen, gut sichtbaren Hauptzugang, während gleichzeitig durch das tiefere Niveau zusätzlicher Raum im Inneren gewonnen wird. Der durch die leichte Neigung des Vorplatzes erreichte tiefere Niveau ermöglicht einen einfachen, gut sichtbaren Hauptzugang bei gleichzeitigem Raumgewinn im Innern. Der Zugang...

2017 Open Competition 2nd Prize_Dorfzentrum Au, Switzerland
Gesamtwürdigung der Jury: “Der Projektvorschlag überzeugt durch die radikale Geste des mäandrierenden Langbaus und der resultierenden wohltuenden Großzügigkeit der Freiräume”. Konzept Die Bauliche Verdichtung findet ausschliesslich an der Hauptstrasse statt. Ein elegantes Gebäude, das volumetrisch auf die Umgebung reagiert, bildet eine bauliche Grenze zu dem freigespielten, grosszügigen Aussenraum und akzentuiert den Strassenraum neu. Das Erdgeschoss ist durchlässig- es gibt drei pregnante Durchgänge. Sie sind die Schaufenster auf die öffentlichen Gebäude und Plätze. Das Gebäude ist ein Filter von der Strasse zum öffentlichen Raum. Hinter der Neubebauung an der Hauptstrasse findet man um die Kirche eine selbstverständlich wirkende Abfolge von ruhigen, gut proportionierten Freiräume mit...

2016 Open Competition Leutbühel Areal Bregenz, Austria
Die Ziele sind zusammenfassend die folgenden: STADTRAUM gegenüber STRASSENRAUM. Umgestaltung der gesamten Umgebung der Begegnungszone. BEGEGNUNGSZONE Förderung der Vielfältigkeit und Kombination verschiedener Nutzungen und als edler Vorraum der alten Stadt zu dienen. Verstärkung der Identität des Stadtzentrums: Ein Ort, der Aufenthaltszonen bietet, ein Ort, der zum ruhigen Verweilen, zur Beobachtung, zum Ausruhen am Rande des Konsums einlädt. Zur Erlangung dieser Ziele bezieht sich unser Vorschlag auf 3 Themen: Piazza della Signoria + Piazza delle Erbe+ historischer Brunnen Die Zugänge zur Stadt Die Übergänge, die Wege Bank – Brunnen – Baum: Einen Ort, um sich zu setzen, einen Baum, der uns...

2014 Open Competition Fischereizentrum Bodensee Steinach, Switzerland
Das Grundstück am Ortseingang von Steinach, zwischen Gewerbezone, Seeufer und Wohngebiet, ist mit seinem alten Baumbestand eine rare Besonderheit, die gepflegt, präsentiert und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden sollte.

2013 Open Competition Landscaping Integration of ENCE Factory in Pontevedra, Spain
SITUACIÓN ACTUAL. VALORACIÓN Una oportunidad única de afrontar un problema que abre interrogantes en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad: paisajístico, medio ambiental, económico, social, político y arquitectónico. ¿Industria – paisaje? ¿industria – población? ¿no a la industria? ENCE tiene una presencia física sumamente potente: Altísimas chimeneas, grandes depósitos de almacenaje, enormes naves que nunca fueron diseñadas pensando en el entorno sino, simplemente, para ser productivas. El viario y los espacios propios de la fábrica suelen dejar áreas inhóspitas y residuales. Cuando hay que ampliar o incluir alguna nueva instalación, se suelen utilizar los lugares libres sin que haya una...

2012 Open Competition Tourist School St. Johann, Tirol
Die Schule bildet einen Campus mit der Volksschule, der Sonderschule und dem Gymnasium.

2012 Open Competition Extension of a Secondary School in Lessinggasse, Vienna
The new School is designed with the aim of integrating the existing enviroment.

2011 International Competition 2nd Prize_Headquarters of the Hidrographical Confederation Miño-Sil, Orense
Concept An emphatic abstract volume, to which it has been extracted pieces to let light inwards, provides calm to an environment characterized by the convergence of multiple overlapping urban elements. The idea is to sew and integrate voids and built spaces, deliberately ignoring the domestic scale and giving monumentality in order to create the main character of this environment. The choice of only two materials, stone and glass, supports the sought sharpness. Glasses are treated as planes of light, and the stone as a rock-carved from which we locate the uses. The form of the outside enriches the interior spaces,...

2008 Open Competition Tourist Reception Center, San Juan de Dios Convent in Olivenza, Badajoz
This project comes from the way of understanding the place and the relationship between use and time.

2008 Restricted Competition Social Housing in Xoan XXIII Ave. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
El solar se encuentra en el remate del casco histórico, asomado a poniente, hacia donde la ciudad se empieza a confundir con el campo. Por un lado estrechas calles en pendiente y frentes de viviendas escalonados y fragmentados; por otro, una avenida con grandes edificios de escala institucional.