2006-2008 Research Centre FIDAMC. Scientific and Technological Park Getafe Sur


The main purpose of this building is to house an important research centre linked to the European aeronautical industry. FIDAMC (in Spanish: Foundation for research, development and applications of new composite materials) is a building with few elements, but of great complexity that gathered the headquarters’ offices, two big hangars, laboratories and all the facilities that supplies the complex.

The way that the buildings are placed allow eventual and future extensions. The buildings are divided in several volumes separated by courtyards and connected by glazed fingers. Gardens and trees provide views and relax to the working centers. To take orientation or natural resources as architectural principles are also economical approaches and provide quality to the working places and save the primary demands of energy. Also, spatial and functional clearness contributes to a better organisation of the working process.

The building took into account the specific technical requirements of the hangar’s equipment and laboratories. Therefore, coordination has been the main task in order to run the installations, especially the huge autoclave.