Participating in an Italian competition along with our friend and colleague, the Architect from Vicenza, Stefano Presi: Remodelation of the Viale Verdi in the city of Merate. We have designed a “Slow Traffic Place” where Bicycles and Pedestrians occupy the centre of a new Boulevard. We also designed the traffic and info signals. December 2016
Categoría: Uncategorised

New Web Page Olmos Ochoa Arquitectos
We are very pleased to introduce you our new web page with a new layout and new projects. It is organized in four chapters: Projects, About, News and Contact, and it has a link to the former olmos ochoa web page where you can find the “oldiest”. As well as the former web page, this one has been developed with the professional help of Jose Ortega, owner of, an enterprise based in Madrid that has more than 15 years of experience in the field of designing, consultancy and managing digital works.

David García Asenjo Doctoral Thesis
The last 28th October 2016, under the direction of Prof. Valentín Berriochoa and Víctor Olmos, David García Asenjo has defended his Doctoral Thesis at the ETSAM in Madrid: Estrategias de Proyecto en la Arquitectura Sacra Contemporánea Española (Project Strategies in the Spanish Contemporary Sacred Architecture). This work has received the qualification of Distinction Cum Laude given by the prestigious Tribunal: Alberto Campo Baeza, Eduardo Delgado Orusco, Silvia Blanco Agüeira, Angel Cordero Ampuero y Ricardo Gómez Val.
Bill in Ulm (D)
Motivated by the Thesis, recently defended at the ETSAM by our friend Carlos Asensio Wandosell, whose title is La arquitectura de la Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm, de la objetividad a la revolución (The architecture of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm, from objectivity to revolution), we travelled to the german medieval city of Ulm to pay a visit to the fantastic building by the swiss architect Max Bill. We were highly impressed by the naturalness of how it stands on the site, by the intensity of the inner and outer routes, by the simplicity of the constructive details, by the logical...

Visit to Venice´s Architectural Biennale (I)
Gloria Ochoa and Victor Olmos have visited the Architectural Biennale in Venice, Italy. We were highly impressed by the big scale models of Inokuma Architects at the Japanese Pavilion and their intention to enhance and dignify the everyday scenes. We would also want to congratulate our friends Iñaki Carnicero and Valentín Quintas for their excellent work at the spanish Pavilion that have merited to win the Leone d’Oro as the best national participation.

Schule Ebenholz Vaduz (FL)
In collaboration with the office Hüssy + Mayer (Urs Hüssy and Uli Mayer), Triesen (FL) we have participated in the competition of the renovation and extension of the School Ebenholz in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. The project includes a lightly refurbished former old building, a totally renovated school surrounded by wide terraces, an extension of the former gym with the same structure principle as the existing one and a new day-school, half buried due to the steep slope, with an open light pavilion on top. Every edifice has its own character but belonging to a unique constellation. White-concrete-prefabricated-facade-elements and colourful ceilings give unity to...
Leutbühel Bregenz (A)
Along with Stefano Presi (Vicenza) and Javier Fernandez Alen (Bregenz), we have participated in the Urban Competition of the Leutbüchel Areal in Bregenz. Our proposal paved the whole area with cobblestones and stone slabs taking care of existing lines and organizing specific areas. We replace the old fountain as a hinge in Leutbüchel square, recalling the italian Piazza de la Signoria-Piazza delle Erbe. A set of Baum-Brunne-Bank (Tree-Fountain-Bench) points out certain places, providing pleasant stops along the irregular streets of the old city. Two long distance perspectives to a prominent but empty old dividing wall gave us the idea to...

Candidature Professor für Raumentwicklung at the Uni Li (FL)
erklarung-zur-thema Download pdf Victor Olmos has applied for a position at the University of Liechtenstein as Professor for Urban Developement. Besides one can see the broschure prepared for the application.
Gloria Architektin Vorarlberg (A)
In January 2016 Gloria Ochoa became member of the Architektenkammer Vorarlberg-Tirol. She joins a select group of women architects from these two austrian regions. She has been invited to the 2016 Architecture Meeting Vorarlberg-Tirol that took place at the on-work big hall for congresses, designed by the office Marte-Marte, for the Congress Areal Dornbirn (A).
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