Feb 2024_Publication of the book M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S

Feb 2024_Publication of the book M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S

The book M_A_R_A_V_I_L_L_A_S, written by Víctor Olmos, was published in February 2024. It is a revision and a written summary of the doctoral thesis that the author defended at the ETSAM in 2010 under the title ‘Vivencias y Divisiones. El Gimnasio Maravillas de Alejandro de la Sota’ https://oa.upm.es/6587/ The British art critic John Berger used to say that going letter by letter through the words in a language he did not know had the sensation of walking along the grooves of a poem, of crossing the territory of poetry. M-A-R-A-V-I-L-L-A-S aims to do exactly that. By breaking down the name...

2023_Volkschule Schruns, Austria

2023_Volkschule Schruns, Austria

The new school will be an important building in the community, integrated into the school complex, but at the same time a public centre that will bring a lot of life to Schruns. Conscious of its size, the building is clearly positioned, with a spacious square in front that leaves enough space for the protected Old Court. The urban development plan for the new primary school in Schruns provides for the creation of two large, beautifully designed squares: one in front of the Old Court and another in front of the secondary school. The existing urban structure of Schruns, which...